What has happened to the presidency? That question has been asked by a lot of people in recent years. My answer is nothing, nothing has happened to the presidency. What about these sex scandals and affairs that Clinton has been alleged of, you ask. Well guess what folks, most of the American Presidents of the past had affairs. The only difference is the press didn't report it and the public didn't want to hear about it. Eisenhower, Kennedy some off the greatest presidents of our time were adulators. So leave Bill alone! I mean even if he did drop his pants in front of Paula Jones, that doesn't impair his ability to govern the country, OK Ned Flanders. Just because he MAY have had sex with someone other then Hillary doesn't impair his ability to CUT YOUR FREAKING TAXES!!!
I wish people would stop calling Clinton a draft dodger. How is he a draft dodger? What, because he decided to go get an education like most Americans of his generation. Then everyone raised hell because he said he didn't go to Vietnam, because he didn't believe in the war. No one of that era believed in the war, OK. Is a man not allowed to be president
if he has protested against the government in the past. How is anything ever gonna get changed? How is this country going to progress, if an unwritten rule like that is put on the books, HUH.
While were on the subject of things Clinton has been criticized for lets talk about this drug thing. I know he said he didn't inhale, but I and everyone else knows he did. Do I think he should be scorned upon and weeded out as a good leader because of it. NO I don't! You got to remember that Bill is a baby boomer and child of the 60's. A time when drugs, protest, and rebellion were a way of life. And guess what folks, the 60's was exactly what this country needed to bring total liberty and freedom to its people. Trust me this nation would be much more of an oppressive place to live if the rebellion of the 60's hadn't happened. And that is why someone like Clinton needs to be president. Someone who really wanted and tried to change this nation for the better, before he had the power and the money.
One problem I have with the presidency are these stupid polls they take every week to gauge the popularity of the president. To be frank I don't want a president that ask the people's opinions on every bill and problem, and then makes his decision based on their opinions. You know why, because the people are just plain stupid when comes to good government. All the people see is the tax cut or the tax raise. They don't understand that you have to have taxs to have good government. Your telling me, your gonna ask someone who reads the National Enquirer and watches Married with Children every night, how they wanna fix the fuckin deficit, and solve the health care problem! I hope not, but that's what their pretty much doing. I vote for someone because I feel they have a competent mind and will make the right decision when faced with any problem. I want a human being to be my president, not a god damn robot. I want a president who will get in the oval office and say hey look screw your second term. Who will make decisions based on the welfare of this nation and not the opinions of the people. Sometimes you have to go aginst popular opinion to do something that is RIGHT. Because when you try to please everyone, NOTHING GETS DONE!
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